Like most people in 2020, I spent a lot of time in front of the TV. After about two weeks I found myself glazed over like a donut scrolling through mindless content. It was cable TV all over again. So I decided to organize my viewing and created movie playlists based on themes, actors, directors and so on. It also gave me something to do during the void known as 2020. 2021 is off to an equally stellar start so I’m continuing the playlists. This is the first of many of those lists.
With that, I’m kicking things off with a sports themed playlist. I’m a big hockey fan and the NHL kicked off the 2021 season last week. Albeit in a truncated format, with crazy but not-so-crazy division alignments, and no fans in the stands. Which, as we saw during last season’s playoffs, kinda takes the wind out of the sails. But yes, the NHL is back! Fire. It. Up.
To get back into the excitement that is the best sport on earth (don’t argue, just be enlightened), I put together a quick playlist of hockey flicks that I think will do the trick. Of course, there aren’t many hockey movies to begin with (looking at you, Hollywood!) so this list will be short. I’ve also provided some ‘optional’ flicks that can be swapped in or, if you’re feeling adventurous, you could watch them all. Or don’t.

Slap Shot (1977) – Trailer
Pretty obvious starting point, and a must watch for all hockey fans. It’s rough, foul, dirty, and everything old timey hockey. If you’ve ever attended a professional hockey game, there’s a good chance you’ve seen a few Chiefs jerseys, and thought, is that a real team? Well, that’s because of this movie. But you already knew this because hockey is your favorite sport, and you’ve seen Slap Shot a million times. So, I apologize for hockeysplaining. It’s a staple in hockey cinematic history and includes all the hockey goonery of the past, with Paul Newman leading the way. It should’ve won all the Oscars.

Goon (2011) – Trailer
My first thought when hearing about Goon was, Stifler playing a hockey Goon? Come on, shitbrick. But, I felt obligated to see it given the lack of hockey movie love in recent years (still looking at you, Hollywood). So I gave it a shot (ugh), and I was pleasantly surprised. Goon is a solid hockey movie, with plenty of heart, humor, and hockey goonery to keep you invested. AND it’s got Liev Schreiber playing a grizzled old school goon. Eagle eared hockey fans will know his voice from that awesome, but short lived, HBO series Road to the Winter Classic. Which begs the question, why can’t hockey have nice things like other sports?

Mystery, Alaska (1999) – Trailer
Russell Crowe, Burt Reynolds, Hank Azaria, The NY Rangers and a bunch of actors whose names you don’t know, but when you see them you’ll say, oh, it’s that guy/girl. It also has a great, fire it up, soundbite that can be heard in any hockey arena when a game is close…this is our pond. If you’re looking for an underdog story, with less drama than Miracle, more humor, Burt Reynolds, and a great speech…this will fit the bill.

Miracle (2004 / Optional) – Trailer
OK. This is an obvious pick, and may be an overdone one. Which is why I made it optional. But it is a quintessential, underdog, based on a true story, sports movie. But again you knew this because of your love of hockey and defeating the Russians. In that sense, it’s basically a James Bond movie, minus the gadgets, cool cars, a person who introduces themselves with their last name first, annnnd objectified women. But it does have THE hockey speech in it, which can be heard in any hockey arena when the home team is down. James Bond never gave an awesome speech.

Mighty Ducks (1992 / Optional) – Trailer
Gordon Bombay, the flying V, kids overcoming the odds, a movie that would go on to create a real NHL franchise. It has everything and it tugs at the nostalgia heart strings of parents that grew up in the 80’s and 90’s. A feel good story for the kids of today. I think. Actually, I have no idea if kids today would like this movie.

Youngblood (1986 / Optional) – Trailer
I’ll say it. This movie isn’t very good. But it does have Rob Lowe AND Patrick Swayze in peak ‘80s form, so everything else can be overlooked. Best suited for you and your beer league team.

Sudden Death (1995 / Optional) – Trailer
A JCVD action flick set in a hockey arena? Yes, please. A fight sequence where JCVD kicks the Pittsburgh Penguins mascot’s ass (see below)? Sign me, and the rest of the Eastern Conference faithful, up. Oh, AND JCVD somehow ends up in net? What!? Scratch my back with a hacksaw! Only contention here is that it takes place during Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals between the Chicago Blackhawks and Pittsburgh Penguins, really? Neither of those teams were close to the Stanley Cup during that time, but I guess that’s what you get when the story was created by the…wait for it…Pittsburgh Penguins owners. Whatever, who needs historical accuracy when you have this…