There’s something about watching a good sci-fi movie, at home, during a snowstorm that I enjoy. Just throwing that out there. Although there’s been very little snow this year here in New England, I still managed to revisit some favorites of mine.
Now, there are a lot of great sci-fi flicks out there but, to me, these stand out as some of the best in recent years. With compelling stories, characters, and cinematography, they set the bar for great sci-fi, or any movie for that matter. Making their re-watch value very high.

Arrival (2016) – Trailer
I recently re-watched this with someone who hadn’t seen it. It’s one of those things that makes me happy; sharing a great movie with someone and them enjoying it as much as I do. I hadn’t watched Arrival in awhile, but it still managed to give me goosebumps as the story came together. Plus, you get Jeremy Renner as Jeremy Renner but in glasses, Amy Adams with the zero sum game, Forest Whittaker commanding it, and Abe & Costello with some great, albeit circular, lines. Can’t go wrong. Just don’t search for “The Arrival.” It’s a different movie about aliens. And if you haven’t read the short story Arrival is based on, The Stories of Your Life by Ted Chiang, I highly recommend it.

Ex Machina (2014) – Trailer
If you’re looking for a self contained, beautifully shot, story of AI and human interaction, Ex Machina is it. When this first hit streaming / dvd, or however we watched movies six years ago, I had this on repeat. It was a late night go-to along with There Will Be Blood. Why I watched these movies late at night, I’m not sure. That’s not the point. The point is AI is going to take over the world unless Domhnall Gleeson can do…anything. He’s so useless. If you’ve been pondering the creator / creation role and or how AI can harm us in the real world, then Ex Machina is for you! If you haven’t been pondering, then you’ll at least enjoy Oscar Isaac disco dancing.

Blade Runner 2049 (2018) – Trailer
If there is any movie on this list that I plan to watch at least once a year, it’s Blade Runner 2049. I love this movie. I remember seeing it in the theater and by the end I felt like I was wrapped in a blanket of sci-fi, wanting more. I’ll throw it out there, it’s one of the best sequels to a classic. It explores themes from the original, while providing something new. And does this without being fan service. Between the Hans Zimmer score, old school sci-fi pacing, and cinematography by a great (Roger Deakins), Blade Runner 2049 is big, epic, and more sci-fi than your ma’s kettle. Of course, you have to put up with Jared Leto, but he’s a villain so, as in real life, disliking him is OK. Sorry, Jared and I have a love/hate relationship. I love and hate him, and he has no idea who I am.

Prospect (2018 / Optional) – Trailer
I snuck this one on here because it’s my site, so I can do things like that. Prospect is a little Netflix sci-fi gem, that deserves a little more love. It’s small, low-budget, and uses that to it’s advantage to build a cool world that has a dirty retro feel to it. I mean, the poster alone sold me. It’s got a new sci-fi smell in a retro package and a contained story that’s interesting to boot. Plus, anytime Pedro Pascal chews screen time, no one loses.