It’s all been building toward this, Act III. Where all the setups payoff, characters have overcome their internal/external issues to solve the big problem in front of them, and where they plan live out the rest of their lives in this new world. The gather the team, the execute a plan, they storm castles, they get a final surprise where they use their new found talent to defeat, they dig deep down, and they save the day (or whatever it is they need to do) and end up on the final image. A mirror of how they started the story. Act IIIs are fun, they can completely break a story as most readers will remember the opening and the ending, so make sure it’s fitting and works within the bounds of characters behavior and decisions. No Deus ex machina’s to get you out of the situation. Tim and I finish our story beats deep dive with Act III in our latest episode. Check it out!

Categories: Podcast