I’ve got some exciting news to share for the new year. An audiobook version of HOST is coming soon! I’ve gotten a lot of feedback and requests to have an audiobook version, it was on my list early on but I wasn’t sure how to approach it. Before I finished a final draft I reached out to a friend of mine, Mark Garkusha, who’s a professional voice actor in NYC. When I told him I’d written a novel and was looking to do an audiobook version he was in before I could finish my pitch. At the time, over a year and half ago, he hadn’t done an audiobook so it was going to be a great learning experience for both of us. Well, time went by, I was focused on putting the final touches on HOST and coming up with a launch plan, and post launch marketing, so an audiobook version sat on the back burner. When I posted about the release of the book, Mark hit me up instantly, by this time he’d done a couple audiobooks in my genre, which was great, and he wanted to take HOST on as a project. We briefly chatted about the characters, and what I was looking for, I wanted to keep it simple, no accents necessary and so on. Then off he went and started working chapter by chapter (the photo above is from his studio). Right now it’s just about 50% complete, I’m still listening to chapters to “approve” and then it’s a matter of figuring out distribution. Either way, I’m excited to share a preview of Chapter 1 from HOST…hope you enjoy!