You can call this a lazy post. It’s ok. It is. I’m working on a post about the research and writing of an action scene (as I’m in the middle of one right now for my second book). It’s a bit more involved than I expected so I didn’t want to rush it. I’ve also missed posting the latest episodes from Writer Syndrome, so here we are. BUT they’re good episodes. All links will open in a new tab. Enjoy!

EP59 Pop Culture References

A lot of novels, writing, movies will have pop culture references. Some you know, some you may not. The best ones are the ones that stand the test of time. They can help with world building (see Ready Player One), establish characters, or even work as a reference point for setting. Although, overuse and over reliance could pull a reader out of a story instead of pulling them in. We dive into usage and how we used them in our latest works in Writer Syndrome EP59: Pop Culture References.

EP60 Book Titles

I’ve ranted a bit lately about book titles and how I discovered my planned third book title was already taken. It’s a bummer BUT is an important part of finding the right title for your story. Making sure it’s intentional (not just cool sounding) and ties to the story in some aspect whether it be the theme, main character, a MacGuffin, or even the setting. All while making sure it isn’t already taken so your story has the best chance of being found. In this episode we get into our titles, mistakes made (by me), and how important a title is to capture a reader. Check it out! Writer Syndrome EP60: Book Titles.

EP61 Self-Censorship

Censorship sucks. Certainly when someone forces it upon you, but how much self-censorship is necessary when writing a novel? Genre, character development, audience, demographics, and many other factors play a part in how you might self-censor a story. As authors, are we supposed to give readers a heads up if the content is sensitive? As a reader, would you put down a book because you find it offensive? We explore these questions and more around self-censorship in Writer Syndrome EP61: Self-Censorship.

EP62 Influences

Everything around us can influence our writing and story telling. Friends, family, music, art, other novels, movies, games, nature, the list goes on. Our experiences and interactions in life will influence how we write and tell a story, and what stories we want to tell. We get a little sappy but stay focused on what influenced us for our latest novels in this episode. Writer Syndrome EP62: Influences.