Is there a difference? Spoilers: yes, there is. To put it simply, plot is the events that occur, where story is the change that occurs with the characters. Their arc, lesson learned, or heart of the story as a whole. Took me a bit to really figure this one out. Early drafts of HOST something was missing, I had this plot worked out fairly well, but it felt like things were just happening for the sake of happening, with stick figure characters pacing through the action. This happened, and then this, and then this, and so on, which is a terrible way for a story to unfold. Once I stepped back and focused on my characters goals and motivations, that’s when the story came through. Connecting their actions, and decisions to the plot and then the overall themes became clear and, hopefully, makes for a much deeper reading experience. Tim and I get into the details in our latest episode and some of our mistakes early on.
Categories: Podcast