Writer Syndrome Episode 31

HOST Book Launch

It’s been a week since I released HOST and so far response has been good. Mostly pushing to friends and family with plans for wider reach over the next few weeks. Hoping to leverage everyone for reviews and ratings. This portion of the project, the sales, marketing and promoting, is Read more…

HOST Has Arrived!

It’s alive! It’s a little surreal but I’m excited as friends and family have started to reach out. Many of which helped make this thing happen. Above is the proof for the Amazon hardcover version (hence the “not for resale” tag), but it’s also available in paperback (Amazon for now Read more…


HOST Cover Reveal & More

It’s finally here! I just received hardcover and paperback proofs and I’m excited about how they came out. I’ve been walking around my apartment with the hardcover placing it on different surfaces, coffee table, bookshelf, bedside table, on a chair, in the kitchen, in the refrigerator. No one ever mentioned Read more…

Cover Art Process

They say don’t judge a book by it’s cover but…come on…we all do. (Note: The original idiom is traced to the novel The Mill on the Floss, written by George Eliot in 1860. In the novel, the reference is to a physical book when the character, Mr. Tulliver, uses it when Read more…

Comps & Originality

Finding good comps is harder than I expected. Comps (short for comparable titles) is an important step in the post-writing / marketing / selling phase. The phases I love…not one bit. If you’re going the traditional publish route comps serve as a quick pitch for potential agents / publishers and Read more…

AI & Writing

What a fun time we live in. Artificial Intelligence is starting to make its mark on the world, to the point where it feels like we’re entering the early stages of a sci-fi story. I wouldn’t mind having a droid around to fix the car, or make me a sandwich, Read more…