Writing Action

The first action scene I wrote was not good. Plain and simple. It was supposed to be a calm opening, that built tension up as one character searched for another in a museum, which led to a fisticuffs ending. Yeah, that’s not what actually happened. I remember re-reading it and Read more…

Countdown to Launch

Just a few more tweaks, another pass by the editor to make sure those tweaks didn’t ruin everything (fingers crossed), adjustments to the cover art, and then, finally then, I’ll be ready to publish. Holy smokes. Of course it’s not that easy, and there’s marketing, advertising, promotion, social media, newsletters, Read more…

Writer Syndrome Episode 23

Story v Plot

Is there a difference? Spoilers: yes, there is. To put it simply, plot is the events that occur, where story is the change that occurs with the characters. Their arc, lesson learned, or heart of the story as a whole. Took me a bit to really figure this one out. Read more…

Writer Syndrome Building Characters

Building Characters

One of the many lessons I learned while writing my first novel, HOST, is put the effort up front into your characters motivations and goals. If you can distill them down to a single sentence, hell a single word, it’ll pay dividends as these characters move through the plot and Read more…

Writer Syndrome Genre Expectations

Genre Expectations

It took me a bit to figure out exactly what genre my book would land in. At first, I thought it’d be sci-fi, it had elements of science fiction so that’s it, right? Then I leaned into the sub-genre of technothriller. Heavy on the tech details and encapsulates sci-fi enough Read more…