Myths About Writing

Myths About Writing

Writing isn’t easy. Like anything, it takes work, commitment, and time to be good at. Along that path myths get created about the process and successes that come with writing. Who creates these myths? Who knows. Some can be attributed to a specific comment by someone at some point in Read more…


The glue, the heart, the meat of any good story, I think lies within the theme. Characters, setting, dialogue, symbolism, all the tools at the writer’s hand can help convey the theme or themes of a story. It’s that underlying idea of or about the world you want to share. Read more…

Writer Syndrome Episode 40 Characterization


Building off the last Writer Syndrome episode about character archetypes, our latest episode we dive into characterization. Funneling down from the overarching character description like the hero, the mentor, the child and so forth, to a refined, who is this character and how are their behaviors and characteristics portrayed in Read more…

Writer Syndrome Episode 39: Character Archetypes

Character Archetypes

Creating a character from scratch can feel like a daunting task. Who are they? What do they look like? What do they believe? What are their needs/wants/motivations/fears/flaws? So much to consider to create a character with depth and enough life where their decisions within your story are believable. That’s where Read more…